Slide 1

Welcome To Coalition For Catholic Fathers

“But he that shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea.”

St. Matthew 18:6

Slide 2

Welcome To Coalition For Catholic Fathers

“But he that shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea.”

St. Matthew 18:6

Slide 3

Welcome To Coalition For Catholic Fathers

“But he that shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea.”

St. Matthew 18:6

Slide 4

Welcome To Coalition For Catholic Fathers

“But he that shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea.”

St. Matthew 18:6

Slide 5

Welcome To Coalition For Catholic Fathers

“But he that shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea.”

St. Matthew 18:6

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Our Goals

It is up to you, catholic men!! Be the hero your kids need you to be!!!



Provide fraternal support to Catholic fathers in gaining knowledge and having confidence in living out their fatherly vocation and faith. 


Support them in their adversities in being a husband and father. These adversities are many and will include financial, spiritual and practical support, such as navigating being largely abandoned by the institutional church as to knowledge of the faith, where to go to Mass and where to send their children to school.

Schooling and Formation

Encouraging the withdrawal of children from public schools. Help to educate fathers in navigating this process and give information as to the absolute avoidance of weak Catholic schools that do not teach the faith and produce fallen away Catholics in massive numbers.

Fraternal Support and Finding Real Catholicism

Educating Catholic fathers on the absolute necessity of bringing their families to Mass on Sundays, as well as encouragement to cease attending irreverent, unedifying Masses. Provide up to date information and maps in order for Catholic fathers to take their families to reverent, orthodox Catholic Masses. This includes Traditional Latin Mass, aka TLM (Diocesan, FSSP, SSPX, ICKSP, IBP) Eastern Divine Liturgy, Ordinariate Masses and reverent Novus Ordo parishes.

Resources for Finding Schools

Providing up to date information and maps of orthodox diocesan Catholic schools, Independent Classical Catholic Schools and homeschooling co-ops. (Institute for Catholic Liberal Education, NAPCIS, Chesterton Academies, SSPX Schools)

Finding solid, orthodox priests and laymen

Provide referrals to orthodox Catholic priests as spiritual directors and advertise retreats for men in various parts of the country.

Additional Goals

Classical Catholic Schools

Organize Catholic fathers and establish the CFCF in each U.S. State, where they can then lobby local politicians to fight at the state level to implement universal school vouchers so that families can afford to send their children to orthodox, Classical Catholic Schools..

World Library Association

Organize Catholic fathers to lobby local politicians to fight at the local and state level to cut off funding to the Marxist and LGBTQ pushing American Library Association, with those funds diverted to the World Library Association.

values in our culture

Have chapters at the local level to put pressure in the political, social and religious sectors in order to safeguard and promote authentically Catholic values in our culture. Examples would be the removal of obscene, inappropriate or downright CRT material in the children’s section of the public library.

local chapters

Have local chapters conduct rosary and prayer rallies, as well as protests outside of heretical LGBT “Masses”, abortion clinics and to alert Catholic fathers as to the absolute avoidance of the wolves in sheeps clothing that are some Catholic priests, nuns and laypeople.

Catholic priests

Provide financial, spiritual and practical support for canceled Catholic priests.

support Catholic fathers

Provide financial, spiritual and practical support for Catholic fathers who lose their jobs due to their employer requiring them to go against their conscience, defending their faith, and exercising their right of free speech in the public forum, among other things.

grow in knowledge

Provide timely and helpful articles, literature and videos in order to help the Catholic father grow in knowledge of his faith and of current events that affect he and his family.

guidance and encouragement

Give guidance and encouragement as to reclaiming authentic Catholic family life. Examples would be the family rosary, making Holy Days the family events they should be and the avoidance of what has become quite common in our day; unnecessary sports on Sundays, particularly Sunday mornings that disrupt family time and Mass attendance.

How will these goals be accomplished?

About Us
“Judge me, O’ God, and distinguish my cause from the nation that is not holy: deliver me from the unjust and deceitful man.” Psalm 42
Mission Statement

Mission Statement

Under the patronage of St. Joseph, the main goal of the Coalition for Catholic Fathers is to bring about the social kingship of Jesus Christ, by providing a masculine, fraternal, and unapologetically Catholic apostolate for Catholic fathers to turn to for support, in order to publicly and boldly live out their faith as the head and protector of their families with their brothers in arms, who along with them are navigating an institutional Church that is largely at war with its own ancient teachings, liturgy, traditions, devotions, education and architecture.
About Us
Who We Are

Sanctification, then Conquest!!!

We are a group of lay Catholic fathers, navigating the spiritual and cultural devastation in both our Holy Catholic Church and society. We see adversarial forces in the church, the educational establishment, entertainment industry and society that are outright enemies to the purity of the souls of our children, as well as our efforts to raise those same children virtuously, in the traditional Catholic faith of our fathers. We are here to cohesively and tactically fight against these nefarious forces of hell like the Catholic men that Almighty God has put us onto this earth to be. We must be the men that our children think we are!
Contact Us

How can I join and start a chapter today?

Please contact us at the email to join and get guidance as to starting your own local chapter.

Find like minded men in your parish, families, groups of friends, workplace, etc to get this movement going in your respective area. Let them be forewarned however, that this is an authentically Catholic enterprise that is missionary in spirit, not tolerating watered down, falsely ecumenical “church of dialogue and accompaniment” “c”atholicism that is an insult to our forefathers who sacrificed their very lives for the faith.

Find a strong, traditional Catholic priest in your area in order to be spiritually guided in this endeavor.